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I'm Jackie Connon, a Health and Nutrition Coach here to empower women to embrace their post menopausal years with positivity, energy and confidence. 

I know first hand how menopause can bring its own unique challenges and am passionate about helping you to take charge of your health and well being in this phase in life.

Through personalised nutrition guidance, lifestyle strategies and emotional support, I’ll help you unlock your potential to feel stronger, more vibrant and more in control of your health.

Wherever you are at, let's navigate this together, equipping you with all the tools you need to live a healthier and happy life.

Through one-on-one coaching, I can help you cultivate sustainable nutritional and lifestyle changes to improve your energy, mood, and overall health.

A diagnosis of breast cancer at the age of 48 was a wake-up call for me! This took me on a post menopausal health journey, looking for ways to build my resilience and to live well.

Jackie portrait

As you transition beyond menopause do you..

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Find it hard to switch off and/or wake up in the night?
Regularly experience energy dips?
Feel moody, irritable, anxious or even depressed?
Find it more and difficult to control or lose weight?
Experience gut issues such as bloating and constipation?
Experience brain fog, have trouble focusing or are becoming forgetful?
Feel weighed down by the process of ageing and the health concerns (e.g., type 2, diabetes, bone health, heart health) that come with it.
Worry about not being in good shape/health to enjoy the years ahead?

While some of these symptoms may be part of your body’s natural changes, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Small changes can have a huge impact on your health if consistently carried out. This is not about perfection, it's about supporting you to find your own balance and enjoying life.

And it’s never too late to start making changes. Working together we can adjust your nutrition and lifestyle to really empower you to regain control and transform your health, wellbeing and happiness at this stage in life. I am here to support you every step of the way.

What I can offer

Every woman's journey is unique

That’s why I offer tailored 1-1 heath coaching to suit your particular needs, wherever you are at in your health journey.

It’s a collaborative process. You are in the driving seat and decide the direction of travel, making your own healthy choices that are right for you.

I’m here to motivate, guide, support and to provide accountability as you go through the process of change and develop new habits. Making small changes that are right for you and sustainable to achieve your specific health goals and support your long term well being.


What my clients say

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Correct nutrition and sleep has to be the foundation of leading a fulfilling and energetic life. I found the nutritional information I received from Jackie to be very beneficial. Already a believer in the ‘you are what you eat’ mantra I still lacked the knowledge to put this into action properly. My conversations with Jackie were, to me, life-changing. I learnt so much about fermented foods, how to lower blood glucose levels and food combinations to get the best out of your food. Her knowledge about the workings of my body helped me to get the best out of each day, she listened to my daily habits and made small adjustments till they became habits for me. Her thoughtful insights were and still are invaluable’

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My experience with Jackie was fantastic. As someone with PCOS she took the time to understand my personal experience with it as well as finding effective yet sustainable ways to change daily habits that made all the difference! Her methodical approach in breaking down each concern area was informative, making the task of tackling the root cause much more approachable.

She patiently guided me through the intricacies of managing PCOS, making the process easier to comprehend and follow. What stood out was her willingness to explore multiple approaches to find a sustainable solution. Instead of a one-size-fits-all strategy, she worked with me to discover an approach that was effective and feasible for my lifestyle.


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Thank you so much for the time and patience you have dedicated to me. It has been a pleasure meeting you and you have lifted my spirits and built up my confidence no end. I am very conscious of what I am eating now. I look to see how much sugar is in things. I cook from scratch which I did before but now include more vegetables and try to get out walking more.

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With Jackie’s expert guidance, I have included manageable changes into my daily routine to the benefit of my weight, health and general wellbeing.  My goal is to be in good shape and have the energy needed to be fit for the plans I have for my retirement .  Jackie’s programme is helping me get there.


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